Roses Are Blue

Roses are Blue is a staged a cappella song cycle for six voices and narrator, composed by Ramon & Jessica and inspired by the 1939 children’s book, The World is Round, by Gertrude Sten. Workshop performances have included Red Poppy Art House, A.C.T. Costume Shop theater, and Switchboard Festival. Cast members, designers, and contributors include Judy Grahn, Harold Foster Pierce, Tony Domenick, Michael Mellender, Caitlin Tabancay Austin, Lorin Benedict, Ron Shalom, Ben Zucker, Molly Aaronson-Gelb, Amelia Burke-Holte, Shannon Stockwell, and Liz Lisle.

Begun in 2016, and put on hold during the pandemic, we're hard at work again on Roses. We're currently fundraising to make and release a recording with the full original ensemble. More info on how to donate here.